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Brainstorm Blog #3


My goal in this project is to successfully craft a fluid animation that I can be proud of. I will do this by illustrating my animations while attempting to utilize the 12 principles of animation. My plan is to start my video off by filming two of my good friends in a park walking together. They start to get into an argument and as they are fighting, one of my friends slips on some ice and hits her head on the ground causing her to pass out. Then it cuts to the animation where we start by experiencing the world from 1st person through my friends eyes but everything around them is animated and they freak out, realizing they woke up in another world. Then the animation sequence begins as we watch her try to escape this animated world. Eventually she gets called out of her blackout to the other friend who she was fighting with. They hug, the end. Although this is a very rough outline, I will continue to strengthen it and additionally feel that a lot of aspects will come naturally when filming. I plan to have all of these clips filmed by the end of this week so I can really start working.



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