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Reading Blog #3


I think my biggest takeaway from this article is that the internet provided the opportunity for marginalized and minority demographics to share their work from all areas of the world and gave them a sense of community.

It provided everyone with a level playing field, if you had access to a computer you had access to an entire new world of production. Individuals felt empowered to create art regarding more sensitive and personal subjects including more sexually explicit content. I think this

was because the internet created this kind of safety blanket where individuals could feel free to publish whatever they liked and didn’t feel any

sense of overwhelming judgement. Additionally, because it was being published for legitimately anyone to see, the art had a higher likelihood of finding its target audience. I find it really interesting how digital art is progressing so

continuously and how we can almost see history repeating itself in the modern day with more recent milestones such as NFTs. In the 90s, digital artists had suspicions that this new market would be profitable but it was only off of assumptions. I can only imagine the excitement the industry must have felt when those first NFTs sold and it revolutionized how art could be

shared and sold. Considering the fact that it has been less than 30 years since this new form of art practice was originated, we have no idea how much more it will expand and take on new forms.



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