Initially when being introduced to this project, I knew I wanted to communicate some sort of progression through my piece but I was unsure how I would be able to compose a track that had no sense of melody. After brainstorming I decided that I would go on a walk and use my notes on my phone to record when I was feeling elated or more mellow and what I witnessed. My goal was to practice mindfulness during my walk and try to place all of my focus on appreciating what was going on around me, attempting to keep my mind from wandering. I would then translate these notes into sounds.
I collectively used a series of about 15 sounds from the shared folder to do this. Each sound used within my track expresses either a change in visual scenery or my thoughts. To give a specific example, I used the sound of a ticking clock to represent more stressful internal moments and a deviation from my course of mindfulness. When I would begin thinking about things I had to do later in the day or other stressors, the ticking sounds would pick up and become more rapid.
Overall, by my definition and interpretation, I feel that my piece successfully communicates a journey with different observations made and internal monologues expressed. If I had the opportunity to do something different, I would have challenged myself to use even more of the audio clips the class collected in order to further reduce the chances of the audio sounding repetitive.