Artist Statement
My intentions when initially going into this project was to communicate a direct storyline where I could use my own personal experiences to further my narrative. My storyline is about acceptance and appreciating your physical qualities for what they are, no matter if they fit the typical beauty standards. In this case, I feel that hair largely contributes to identity and how we view ourselves as people. I know it is a quality many people are continuously navigating and I wanted to share a version of my own personal experience by attempting to convey some of the emotions I once felt. For the majority of my zine, I made illustrations using my tablet where I incorporated different elements of design. The primary element of design I utilized was color. I wanted the colors to represent a timeline where gradually, as the main character is having an awakening, the color returns to the picture and represents a renewal of confidence. Additionally, I utilized shapes, mostly circles as a symbol of becoming whole and transformation, a theme I feel contributed to the storyline. It was definitely difficult for me to narrow down my ideas for this project and I struggled with making a cohesive story line, having to do multiple drafts. Overall, I’m very happy with the way my zine turned out, both physically and in terms of what it communicated.