After reading and conceptualizing generally what Cage’s life and major accomplishments looked like, I have begun to understand not only his reformation to the world of music but to visual arts as well. I hadn't considered the idea that the majority of Cage’s musical performances involved dynamic interactions with his “instruments” and

therefore can technically be considered performative art.
I find it interesting how human beings are accustomed to more melodic forms of music and present as “vulnerable” when exposed to unfamiliar sounds. I can conceptualize this idea as well, seeing as I’m trying to train myself currently not

to disregard a song immediately because it doesn't “sound like everything else”. I am trying more so to listen to a song based upon the emotions I feel while listening to it, not because I can sing along with it or because I can empathize with the lyrics.
As one of Cage’s friends, Gann said, “all sounds are music”. With this kind of perspective and no restrictions as to what music really is, there are so many different ideas and directions music can be taken in. I love Cage’s reference to the sounds of sixth avenue from his apartment, stating, “I couldn’t be happier than I am in this

apartment, with the sounds from Sixth Avenue constantly surprising me, never once repeating themselves”, expressing how the sounds surrounding him were always changing and never the same. I don’t know how after reading that, you couldn’t stop for a moment and listen to what is going on around you and appreciate how unique that is.
After reading and understanding Cage’s sheer influence, I started thinking about specifically which artists had the opportunity to create and share their music due to this door that Cage opened. Artists that are still occasionally questioned in the modern day regarding their message or sanity. This gives me a deeper appreciation for Cage’s determination to refuse the norm because if Cage never existed in this world, who knows what kind of music we would listen to and celebrate now?
